Welcome to Golden Fish, a companyspecialized in freezing and exporting high-qualityseafoodproducts. We are proud to introduceour state-of-the-art facilitiesdesigned to ensure the freshness and quality of ourproductsthroughouttheir production chain.
- Our factoryfeatures a powerful and sophisticatedice silo, four negativechambersmaintained at 0°C, four well-equippedworkrooms, six freezing tunnels maintained at -40°C, a modern glazing room, five packaging rooms, and fifteenstorageroomsmaintained at -30°C with a total capacity of over 2500 tonnes. Wealso have threeautomatic export docks to facilitate the rapiddelivery of ourproductsworldwide.
- We have established a well-equippedlaboratory to guarantee the quality of ourproducts, as well as a maintenance and repair workshop to ensurethat all ourfacilitiesremain in perfectworkingorder. Wealso have avaststorage room for packaging materialsnecessary for ourfreezing and export activities.
- At Golden Fish, we are committed to providingourcustomerswith the best seafoodproductswhileensuringthateachstep of our production processadheres to the highestquality standards. We are proud of ourexperience in the freezingindustry and ourcommitment to providingfresh, delicious, and healthyproducts to ourcustomersworldwide.